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Download Simcity 2013 For Mac and Enjoy the Best City Simulation Game Ever


SimCity is an open-ended city-building video game series originally designed by Will Wright. The first game in the series, SimCity, was published by Maxis in 1989 and were followed by several sequels and many other spin-off "Sim" titles, including 2000's The Sims, which itself became a best-selling computer game and franchise.[1] Maxis developed the series independently until 1997, and continued under the ownership of Electronic Arts until 2003. EA commissioned various spinoffs from other companies during the 2000s, focusing on console and mobile releases. A 2013 EA-Maxis reboot was subject to what has been described as "one of the most disastrous launches in history", which may have triggered the 2015 shutdown of Maxis Emeryville and the end of the franchise.[2][3]

Download Simcity 2013 For Mac

The primary source of income is taxation, though some income can be generated by legalizing gambling or placing certain "special" buildings such as military bases or prisons. The player may make deals with neighbouring cities to sell or buy services, as long as a connection is made to the neighbour for that service, such as electricity cables. The player may have to deal with disasters, such as fires and tornadoes, or fictional crises such as monster attacks. SimCity titles are predominantly single-player games, with a few exceptions, including the "Network Edition" of SimCity 2000, the Unix port of the original SimCity, and SimCity (2013).[4] SimCity 4 provided a limited form of multiplayer gaming with the ability to share regional maps and cities with other players, allowing players to collaborate, but not to interact in real-time gameplay.[5][6][7]

The game was released for Windows on March 5, 2013, and on Mac in August.[33][34][35] Medium would later refer to the release as "one of the most disastrous launches in history".[2] The game required a constant internet connection even during single-player activity, and server outages caused connection errors for many users. Multiplayer elements were "shallow at best", with departing players leaving abandoned cities behind in public regions. Users were unable to save their game- with the servers instead intended to handle this- and so when users were disconnected they would often lose hours of progress.[36] The game was also plagued by numerous bugs, which persisted long after launch.[37]

The first two games were well received and sold well during the 1990s, with the franchise achieving a total of 5 million sales by 1999.[56] SimCity 2000 in particular was among the highest selling games of the 1990s, and in 2018 was featured at #86 of IGN's top 100 video games of all time.[57][58]SimCity 4 (2003) marked the high point in the franchise's GameRankings score at 85. The 2013 reboot was very poorly received, with Green Man Gaming comparing its effect on the franchise to the destruction of the city of Pompeii.[59]

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To this day, SimCity 4 has the largest fanbase out of all the SimCity titles, with devoted players turning out mods and fixes that Maxis no longer creates. As of 2013, the game is still available in many retailers, as well as for download on sites such as Steam and Origin due to the high demand of this game over other SimCity titles, even SimCity (2013).

Maxis finally returned to the franchise almost 10 years later and released SimCity (2013), a reboot of the series in 2013, ending the string of other developers developing the series. SimCity (2013) has been met with negative reviews, stemming from server issues at the games launch. SimCity (2013) has also been criticized for numerous reasons including limited city map size and online-only play, the latter of which has been made to allow offline singleplayer play by updating the game.

SimCity ist eine Städtebau-Simulation des Entwicklerstudios Maxis. Der Publisher ist Electronic Arts. Es ist die fünfte große Version der SimCity-Serie. Der Titel ist am 7. März 2013 für Windows erschienen und am 29. August für OS X.[1][2]

Spieler konnten sich für eine geschlossene Beta registrieren. Diese fand zwischen dem 25. und 28. Januar 2013 mit dem Ziel statt, vorhandene Fehler aufzuspüren.[7] Zwischen dem 16. und 17. Februar 2013 fand ein zweites Beta-Event statt, welches unter anderem die Serverkapazität testen sollte.[8] Ein dritter Beta-Test diente ebenfalls zum Testen der Serverkapazitäten.

Seit der Veröffentlichung am 5. März 2013 wurden bisher sechs käuflich erwerbbare und drei kostenfreie DLCs (herunterladbare Inhalte) veröffentlicht.[15] Alle drei kostenlosen Erweiterungen stellen Produktplatzierung dar.

Auch der Verkaufsstart in Deutschland war begleitet von massiven Serverausfällen, die negative Kundenkritiken nach sich zogen, da das Spiel für manche Kunden über längere Zeiträume nicht spielbar war.[34]Als Reaktion auf das negative Feedback durch den verpfuschten Start von SimCity bot Electronic Arts die Möglichkeit an, aus einer Auswahl von Spielen ein Spiel gratis zu erhalten. Diese Aktion galt nur für Spieler, welche SimCity bis zum 25. März 2013 auf ihrem Origin-Account aktiviert hatten.[35]

Publisher: Lunar Software Developer: Lunar Software Genre: First-Person Horror Release Date: June 30, 2013 Consoles: PC Details: A game that is all about survival, Routine puts players in the body of a man stuck on an abandoned moon base. The game will utilize no set path, no health bars, and no point system. The player will be tasked to find the answer to their questions with only one life and absolutely no options for retries or health packs to prolong their weak and feeble existence.

Publisher: Konami Developer: PlatinumGames Genre: Action Release Date: February 19, 2013 Consoles: Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PC Details: Developed by the studio that brought gamers Bayonetta, the latest in the Metal Gear franchise sees players assuming the role of Raiden, the oft-criticized protagonist of Metal Gear 2. Also, while fans of the franchise commonly stand by the stealth elements as the best feature of the franchise, this will be a hack-and-slash game (a genre where your only objectives are to, surprisingly, hack and slash). The game is likely set to be one of the spin-offs of a big franchise that no one cares about but Bayonetta was well-received so if fans can be okay with such drastic changes, they may yet find something they like.

Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Developer: Netherrealm Studios Genre: Fighting Release Date: December 31, 2013 Consoles: Xbox 360, Playstation 3 Details: From the people that brought you Mortal Kombat, the latest game from the studio stars characters from the DC Comics Universe fighting each other in bloody combat and, before anyone else points it out, it does not make sense that anyone can fight Superman in hand to hand combat. The latest trailer shows off a fight between Superman and Nightwing, the original Robin, and demonstrates well how the two characters control differently. However, the game has been criticized for feeling slow and sluggish, particularly when compared to modern fighters. Whether the speed can be brought up by release date is to be seen but right now, this one is just for the fans. 2ff7e9595c


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