If you are an avid audiobook lover, here is the good news that you don't have to buy audio books from the store all the time, for they are much more expensive than e-copies. There are a number of audiobook torrenting sites available where you can download audio books for free, but some torrent sites don't work properly. So the top 10 working websites are shared in this article. Check out them to download your favorite audio books.
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The Pirate Bay is one of the most popular torrent sites for not just audiobooks and ebooks but also for movies, music and more. It gives you free access to millions of audio books and is a delight for all book lovers.
My Anonamouse is also one of the most used websites. It currently tracks over 35,000 audio book torrents. Both new released audio books and old renowned ones are available here for free. As it is a closed community, you need to apply for an invite and sign up.
When it comes to downloading audio book torrents, RARBG is also pretty amazing. It is free of cost and comes with a very smooth interface for the best user experience. You can also download torrents for movies, TV shows, music and more.
A torrent site you don't want to skip in your search is 1337X. This torrent site is basically a community driven site which offers some quality audio book collection of torrents for free. It also brings you the latest movies, TV series, music, games, and many more. 1337x is reliable, secure and accessible.
Abtorrents mainly focuses on providing audio books. Users must be registered and receive an invitation from the developers to fully access the page and download any content. And one thing must be kept in mind that if you fail to log in 5 times in succession, your IP will be banned.
So, these are the top 10 free torrent sites for audiobooks. Open any of them to download audio books. If you sometimes listen to Audible audio books, you might want to play them on your MP3 player. Actually, Audible not only has encoded specific AA/AAX in audiobooks, but also has applied DRM copyright protection in them for avoiding unauthorized playback. With Epubor Audible Converter, you can remove Aubile DRM and convert Audible AA/AAX to MP3 effortlessly. Then you can listen to them on various devices or share them with your friends.
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RuTracker is the best. If you use chrome it auto translates to the language of your preference. I had zero difficulty navigating the site. If you are new to torrents and don't even understand torrenting basics don't come on here and leave poot comments that you get ads or whatever. Ads are what allows trackers to host for free. Get over it. Anyway, rutracker rocks. I spent hours trying to find a very hard to locate audiobook. Rutracker not only had the book, but the torrent was still seeded after 9 years. Pretty awesome I'd say. It also gives options to download a torrent or use a magnet link.
Under the system of free trade a fertile soil,with good rivers and roads as outlets, becomesthe greatest evil with which a country can beafflicted. The richness of soil invites to agriculture,and the roads and rivers carry off thecrops, to be exchanged for the manufactures ofpoorer regions, where are situated the centres oftrade, of capital and manufactures. In a fewcenturies or less time the consumption abroad ofthe crops impoverishes the soil where they aremade. No cities or manufactories arise in thecountry with this fertile soil, because there is nooccasion. No pursuits are carried on requiringintelligence or skill; the population is of necessitysparse, ignorant and illiterate; universal absenteeismprevails; the rich go off for pleasureand education, the enterprising poor for employment.An intelligent friend suggests that, leftto nature, the evil will cure itself. So it maywhen the country is ruined, if the people, likethose of Georgia, are of high character, and betakethemselves to other pursuits than mere agriculture,and totally repudiate free trade doctrines.Our friends' objection only proves the truth ofour theory. We are very sure that the wit ofman can devise no means so effectual to impoverisha country as exclusive agriculture. Theravages of war, pestilence and famine are sooneffaced; centuries are required to restore anexhausted soil. The more rapidly money is madein such a country, enjoying free trade, the fasterit is impoverished, for the draft on the soil isgreater, and those who make good crops spendthem abroad; those who make small ones, athome. In the absence of free trade, this richregion must manufacture for itself, build cities,erect schools and colleges, and carry on all thepursuits and provide for all the common wantsof civilized man. Thus the money made at homewould be spent and invested at home; the cropswould be consumed at home, and each town andvillage would furnish manure to fertilize the soilaround it. We believe it is a common theorythat, without this domestic consumption, no soilcan be kept permanently rich. A dense populationwould arise, because it would be required;the rich would have no further occasion to leavehome for pleasure, nor the poor for employment.
It begets another war in the bosom of societystill more terrible than this. It arrays capitalagainst labor. Every man is taught by politicaleconomy that it is meritorious to make the bestbargains one can. In all old countries, labor issuperabundant, employers less numerous thanlaborers; yet all the laborers must live by thewages they receive from the capitalists. Thecapitalist cheapens their wages; they competewith and underbid each other, for employed theymust be on any terms. This war of the richwith the poor and the poor with one another, isthe morality which political economy inculcates.It is the only morality, save the Bible, recognizedor acknowledged in free society, and is farmore efficacious in directing worldly men'sconduct than the Bible, for that teaches self-denial,not self-indulgence and aggrandizement. Thisprocess of underbidding each other by the poor,which universal liberty necessarily brings about,has well been compared by the author of AltonLocke to the prisoners in the Black Hole ofCalcutta strangling one another. A beautifulsystem of ethics this, that places all mankindin antagonistic positions, and puts all society atwar. What can such a war result in but theoppression and ultimate extermination of the weak?In such society the astute capitalist, who is veryskilful and cunning, gets the advantage of everyone with whom he competes or deals; the sensibleman with moderate means gets the advantageof most with whom he has business, butthe mass of the simple and poor are outwittedand cheated by everybody.
The free laborer rarely has a house and homeof his own; he is insecure of employment; sicknessmay overtake him at any time and deprivehim of the means of support; old age is certainto overtake him, if he lives, and generally findshim without the means of subsistence; his familyis probably increasing in numbers, and is helplessand burdensome to him. In all this thereis little to incite to virtue, much to tempt tocrime, nothing to afford happiness, but quiteenough to inflict misery. Man must be morethan human, to acquire a pure and a high moralityunder such circumstances.
The Chartists and Radicals of England wouldin some way subvert and re-construct society.They complain of free competition as a cryingevil, and may be classed with the Socialists. Thehigh conservative party called Young Englandvainly endeavors, by preaching fine sentiments, toproduce that good feeling between the rich andthe poor, the weak and the powerful, which slaveryalone can bring about. Liberty places those classesin positions of antagonism and war. Slavery identifiesthe interests of rich and poor, master andslave, and begets domestic affection on the oneside, and loyalty and respect on the other. YoungEngland sees clearly enough the character of thedisease, but is not bold enough to propose anadequate remedy. The poor themselves are allpractical Socialists, and in some degree pro-slaverymen. They unite in strikes and trades unions,and thus exchange a part of their liberties inorder to secure high and uniform wages. Theexchange is a prudent and sensible one; but theywho have bartered off liberty, are fast vergingtowards slavery. Slavery to an association is notalways better than slavery to a single master.The professed object is to avoid ruinousunderbidding and competition with one another; butthis competition can never cease whilst libertylasts. Those who wish to be free must takeliberty with this inseparable burden. Odd-Fellows'societies, temperance societies, and all othersocieties that provide for sick and unfortunatemembers, are instances of Socialism. The muse inEngland for many years has been busy incomposing dissonant laborer songs, bewailing thehardships, penury and sufferings of the poor, andindignantly rebuking the cruelty and injustice oftheir hard-hearted and close-fisted employers.
We have already stated that we should not attemptto introduce any new theories of governmentand of society, but merely try to justify oldones, so far as we could deduce such theories fromancient and almost universal practices. Now ithas been the practice in all countries and in allages, in some degree, to accommodate the amountand character of government control to the wants,intelligence, and moral capacities of the nationsor individuals to be governed. A highly moraland intellectual people, like the free citizens ofancient Athens, are best governed by a democracy.For a less moral and intellectual one, a limitedand constitutional monarchy will answer. For apeople either very ignorant or very wicked, nothingshort of military despotism will suffice. Soamong individuals, the most moral and well-informedmembers of society require no other governmentthan law. They are capable of readingand understanding the law, and have sufficientself-control and virtuous disposition to obey it.Children cannot be governed by mere law; first, becausethey do not understand it, and secondly, becausethey are so much under the influence of impulse,passion and appetite, that they want sufficientself-control to be deterred or governed by the distantand doubtful penalties of the law. They must beconstantly controlled by parents or guardians,whose will and orders shall stand in the place oflaw for them. Very wicked men must be putinto penitentiaries; lunatics into asylums, and themost wild of them into straight jackets, just asthe most wicked of the sane are manacled withirons; and idiots must have committees to governand take care of them. Now, it is clear theAthenian democracy would not suit a negro nation,nor will the government of mere law suffice forthe individual negro. He is but a grown up child,and must be governed as a child, not as a lunaticor criminal. The master occupies towards him theplace of parent or guardian. We shall not dwellon this view, for no one will differ with us whothinks as we do of the negro's capacity, and wemight argue till dooms-day, in vain, with thosewho have a high opinion of the negro's moraland intellectual capacity. 2ff7e9595c