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Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation Naresh K. Malhotra - A Do-It-Yourself, Hands-On Approach



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marketing research an applied orientation naresh k malhotra

This international leader in marketing research texts presents a comprehensive look at both the principles and practices of marketing research with balanced coverage of qualitative and quantitative material. Written from a manager's perspective, the fourth edition emphasizes emerging trends in marketing research, ethical and global implications, and the continuing integration of new technologies.

According to Webster (1988), Market Orientation emerged from practices previously focused on the customer. From marketing concepts, the idea of strategic orientation of enterprises that have not been followed up since its beginning emerged. Only three decades after its concepts were created, in the 1950's, the orientation idea started to be strong with the unfolding of market orientation (DIDONET, 2007). Webster (1988) presented an alternative to the marketing orientation based on a group of guidelines to create an organization focused on the customer and boosted by the market. To this structure, the author highlighted fundamental points to be put into practice, focusing on the customer, involving all the enterprise in the marketing orientation process. These guidelines were corroborated by Sheth, Gardner and Garret (1988) when they stated that the marketing process must be focused on the customer and that the orientation is fundamental to the continuance of the enterprises in the market.

In the 1990's, along with other researchers, such as Narver and Slater (1998) and Day (1994), Kohli and Jaworski (1990) deepened the idea of marketing orientation pointing the product quality as control variables, competitive intensity, buyers power, sellers power, entrance restraints and replacing products. In a factorial analysis, we observed that these are important factors for the construction of a theoretical model that explains this theory. These authors stated that "the market-oriented culture is critical to a superior performance and to long term success, in the highly competitive business environment" (p. 124, loose translation).

Kohli and Jaworski, along with Kumar (1993), developed a market orientation measuring scale called MARKOR. To validate this instrument a research was applied with North-American entrepreneurs. The results pointed out that intelligence generation, intelligence dissemination and responsiveness factors represent the market orientation. Wensley (1998) highlighted that intelligence generation depends on the acknowledgement of every variable that influences the customers' choices, the competitor's knowledge being one of them. This idea is reinforced by Shapiro (1988) when he states that an enterprise is really market oriented when it knows the market in which it is operating and the customers that pay for its products and services.

To meet the objective of this investigation, we found it appropriate to lead an exploratory and descriptive research. The data collecting was done by using an instrument formulated with questions using the Likert scale, and available to the subjects from the Internet. The questionnaire collected information regarding the variables of market orientation and environmentally-responsible marketing strategies. The scale was structured with straight questions, in which the subject opted for one among five answers, varying from "fully agree" to "fully disagree", based on Gil (2009). Two subject groups were used in order to make comparisons. The first group, considered as a sample reference, representing the national enterprises universe, had its data collected among enterprises indexed in the site of the Ethos Institute of Enterprises and Social Responsibility. The regional enterprises sample was sectioned from the universe of mid and large-sized enterprises indexed in the Rio Grande do Norte Industry Federation (FIERN). We used a non-probabilistic sample for access convenience (MALHOTRA, 2005).

The research evaluated a total of 50 variables related to Market Orientation and Socio-environmental Responsibility. The sample calculation execution was based on Hair et al (2005), which set five times the number of subjects per variable under research as minimal proportion. Thus 142 questionnaires were applied. The reference sample representing the national enterprises universe was composed of 20 enterprises linked to the Ethos Institute of Social Responsibility, and the regional sample was composed of 122 Potiguar enterprises.

For the definition of the research variables, we considered the verification of the green marketing actions put into practice by the enterprises, since these actions can be viewed as instruments for the sustainable development and for the satisfaction of the collaborators and customers (DIAS, 2008; DALMORO; VENTURINI; PEREIRA, 2008).

For this research, we chose to use the T-Test for two independent samples, having in mind that this kind of test is applied whenever it is intended to compare the average quantitative variable in two different subject groups to know the respective variations.

After all the theoretical and methodological processes, we concluded that this paper achieved its objective, confirming the relation between the two researched constructs. The researched samples showed that there is a more significant correlation among the regional enterprises than among the national enterprises. It must be highlighted, however, that these results could have been influenced by the fact that the national group is formed by a small number of enterprises, although these enterprises were the ones that demonstrated concern in contributing with the academic research about socio-environmental responsibility, in consonance with the Ethos Institute's ideological proposals. This investigation also allowed to detect the level of market orientation and socio-environmental responsibility among the investigated subjects, concluding that both groups have an orientation level above average, reaching a rate between 3 and 4, both in the constructs and in the dimensions that form them. When comparing the regional enterprises with the national sample, we observed that the regional enterprises have market orientation and socio-environmental responsibility levels slightly lower than that of the national sample It is believed that the approximated level between the two samples is a consequence of the customer's demands, since a market-oriented enterprise has as its main focus meeting the customers' needs and desires, turning towards keeping its target audience and conquering new markets. Thus, the socio-environmental responsibility actions become part of the managers' attention in the enterprises' performance. In the research process, the major limitation was forming the national sample, due to the small interest by the enterprises in participating in academic researches about socio-environmental responsibility, even with all of them indexed in the Ethos Institute of Enterprises and Social Responsibility. During the research, interests about the enterprises' behavior before the market transformations and the customer attendance were awakened, especially about socio-environmental responsibility. For subsequent researches we recommend investigating the market orientation and the socio-environmental responsibility by using a larger national sample, either through random sample or by forming enterprises clusters. 2ff7e9595c

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